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We're still getting the game either way. But what you need to understand is that Nintendo's a business, first and foremost, before they're a game developer, and they need to make money and the most money. And just releasing it on Wii U, then a Switch port would not have been NEARLY as profitable for them. Granted, it's their fault the Wii U flopped the way it did, but the whole point of this is to not make the same mistake again. To bring in all of those people that passed on the Wii U, but are now interested (and from the looks of their Switch reveal, which is now at 20 million views, VERY interested) in the Switch. Yeah, delays suck, but regardless of whatever the reason is, that gives them more time to polish it out and make it the best game it can possibly be, for both versions and ALL audiences. And if this rumor is anything to go by, for a game like this, with the space orbit expectations fans have for it, they don't want to and can't leave any stone unturned.