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Since you people are talking about failure rates, I'll go ahead and ask : When can I expect to buy a "99% RROD-free" 360? I mean, I know things break ok, I just want at least same level of reliability as the other current generation consoles. I've never been an Xbox hater (I own the first one), I just hate the 360 hardware (for me it was a big disappointment that, after including a HDD in every original Xbox, they decided to take it out of some SKUs and created this travesty of Xbox-brand HDD) I had other gripes with the hardware but nothing I deemed enough to keep me from upgrading to a better Xbox. I was very close to buying a X360...

....then RROD reared its ugly, uh, lights.... and disc scratches and such, the rest is history. Please don't tell me about the warranty or whatever I just won't go through that, I don't like being taken for stupid (I'm if you who read this own a 360 and think I'm calling you stupid you're right, but it's also your right to be stupid, it's just a matter of opinion and I respect that) I'm also not in a hurry to play too many games. Actually, it's been less than 8 months that I 'returned' to "serious gaming". I put videogames almost completely aside during the previous 5 years, I did play quite a few selective titles but only very sporadically, but I disgress... I just wonder if I'll ever be able to buy a 360 with the confidence I've bought every other system. Right now I'm aching, I want to play Ninja Gaiden 2! Arrrgg damn it all.....