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Nem said:
Slimebeast said:
-snipped some. The Wii U can't handle walls of text-

This is a wall of text, and I don't expect you to address it all Nem (you don't have to reply at all), because it's written for the debate, with the VGC reader in mind, more than it's addressed to you specifically, okay?

So, right now the policies of our authorities benefit the foreigner and disbenefit the natives and it's been like this for several decades. White guys are being told to be endlessly understanding, polite, helpful and as a thanks they get pissed in the face. The thanks is that they get called racist and fascist. Meanwhile the foreigners show their manly, aggressive, dominant, often violent behaviour, and yet it's interpreted that they are traumatized, vulnurable, victims of discrimination, the ones who need society's support.

But this just doesn't add up. It's not fair. It's all morality put upside down.

This means tolerance is not a solution anymore. To just nurture a submissive attitude among the natives is not a solution. To hope that the polite Western guy will keep absorbing all the problems doesn't work. Society, politicans and school must stop demanding this from the Western guy.

We need another solution, a solution that is realistic. A solution that is in harmony with human nature. A solution that is just and moral. And that is to close the borders, to put a halt to immigration. We can only absorb so many. Close the borders and focus on integration and regaining harmony and stability in society.

Trump was just the beginning. In all Western countries the so called "populist" parties will be victorious because the western guy is sick and tired of being the scapegoat who has to sacrifice himself and still be called a xenophobe, a racist and a fascist, and never get any thanks.

My solution will be victorious.

This is all very rich. Do you know? Everyone is the US except the natives are immigrants and descendants of immigrants. This includes Trump himself! What makes you more than the others? Why is it ok for you but not for others? The hipocrisy is right there.

Don't try to use tricks please, tricks that failed even since I'm not even American.

Just look at the issue from a European context. Should be easy since you live in the Netherlands.

What does your policy has to offer all the millions of Western guys who are under huge pressure? Who feel their own lands have already been filled with foreign hostile elements, which has both evidently weakened the economy and made the streets unsafe, while the politicans and the media have the nerve to keep blaming the Western guys for being racist, and on top of it all threatens to bring in millions of more to make it all even more perverse!

Trump's victory was extremely important, but he didn't start this glorious movement that is tired of the established politicans and media talking down to us like we were idiots. We are dedicated to keep fighting and keep working now more than ever. We believe that closing the borders is the only solution that allows society to be able to focus on integration and assimilation, in order to regain harmony and stability in society.

If the establishment decides to keep using insulting and stigmatizing rhetorics and bizarrely accusatory words like xenophobia, racism, white supremacy and fascism, they reveal how out of touch they are with reality and prove how incompetent they are at taking care of the problems (and so far the post-election analysis has been, very smug, very much superior attitude,  very vulgar, the amount of self-criticism is severely lacking. It's hard to not vomit, really) then this just makes us more determined.

Our Sweden Democrats (Swe), Fremskrittspartiet (Nor), Swiss People's Party (Sui), AfD (Ger), Party for Freedom (Holl), Front National (Fra), Dansk Folkeparti (Dk), Vlaams Belang (Bek), FPÖ (Aus), Golden Dawn (Gre), PNR (Por), Law and Justice (Pol), Slovak National Party (Slo), People's Party (Slo), Fidesz (Hun), Jobbik (Hun) will have victory after victory in parliamentary elections.