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ckmlb said:
DonWii said:
ckmlb said:
twesterm said:
I'm fairly sure it will come out in 2007, there's no reason not to think that, but MGS4 isn't going to significantly boost PS3 sales. It will provide a small boost the week it releases because there are people that are waiting for this game, but those are going to shadowed by Christmas sales anyways so you won't see much. It's a pretty niche game and outside of gaming forums like these (and the people in these forums are not a large group), not a lot of people are in love with the series or have any of the games anywhere near their radar.

Niche game?

Sales according to VG Chartz:

Metal Gear Solid- 5.59 million

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty- 5.56 million

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater- 3.96 million

It seems a lot of people are in love with the game. I think it's the very opposite of niche.


I see the numbers continue to go down. And, with the higher price tag of the PS3, I expect MGS4 to sell less than Snake Eater, but I do expect it to boost sales of the PS3. Also, as I have stated before, I do believe it will be a timed exclusive.


You can't go by that. Just look at the FF main series. First game each gen sells most then the second and third sell less.

I think because MGS 4 is a big step up it will sell good. I expect a lot of people to buy the game later when they have a PS3 at cheaper unless they are getting a PS3 specifically for this game (Which some people keep saying they are).

 But there are series that do the opposite: Grand Theft Auto and Halo, among others. 

Metal Gear Solid is a middle-level system seller, approximately equivalent to Kingdom Hearts in importance. Not as important as Gran Turismo/GTA/Halo/Mario, but more important than God of War / Metroid Prime.">">