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As a Libertarian I'm pro gay marriage pro choice and pro weed etc.

And I'm tired of having to vote straight party line Republican because Democrats and their supporters want to ban assault rifles or all guns in general.


As NFA, Australia, and GB prove, once you lose it you will never get it back.


No thanks.


We had a compromise in 1934.  It had regulation, registration, background checks, finger prints, a tax, everything Dems want.  But it's never enough with you.  Everything else after is just more steps to an eventual ban, just like the machine gun "ban" in 1986 and the attempted semi auto ban in 1994-2004 and every year since.

You guys need to drop the anti gun shit. Now you are paying the price. 

I hope 1986 Hughes Amendment, if not the entire NFA, gets scrapped so I can buy a full auto AR15 for $1100 and I hope we end up with a 6-3 conservative court to affirm it and seal gun rights for the next 50 years.

I will never vote liberal or Democrat if they always come with the poison pill of wanting to ban guns or even "just certain types of guns". Immediate reject no matter how sensible they are on anything else.

Give it a rest. Next time pick a party and candidate who can respect your rights and equality without taking mine away forever.

In fact... with the way Trump's supporters have been behaving, if you are minority group, you might want to discover those 2nd ammendment rights you hate so much for yourself for the next 4-8 years.