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Nuvendil said:
Nem said:

First time i ever heard democracy beeing called the "tyranny of the majority". America, folks!

It's not a purely American concept, it's a long standing discussion concerning Democracy, especially direct Democracy (though I shouldn't be surprised recent generations have forgotten the nuances of democracy and republic debates, the current view of democracy and the value of it by most is woefully lacking and simplistic).  It's the concept that the wills of a slight majority should not be allowed to dominate or actively work against the rest and also discusses the consequences of direct mob rule.  It's the very foundation of the ballance of State powers relative to each other and relative to the Federal government. 

Also, find it hilarious that this is only brought up as "terrible" here with regards to the Electoral system and the Presidential election yet the balance of State power in Congress - the far more influential aspect of US government - is almost never questioned.  It's the same principle, with population not equally represented, yet it is only here at the Presidential Election where people flip out. 

Nuvendil you have done a tremendous job explaining the idea behind the American electoral system and the "states within a state" or however it was you described it. It's very enlightening. Sad thing is that many Euros don't listen, but they just keep spewing like parrots the myth that USA is undemocratic (this opinion is very popular here in Sweden).