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CosmicSex said:
Wiibaron said:
Since ONLY American citizens have a right to be here, come here, live here, [or leave here], not 1 single American has a single thing to worry about. Other countries' nationals can start worrying if they want.

No.  America has a moral obligation to be sensitive to the needs of immigrants because we are a nation of immigrants... unless you are Native American... and you see how that worked out for the actual Americans.  I know people wont be satisfied with what I just said, but its really worth it to really consider how this country came about.  It started when some immigrants came to North America fleeing their own countries in a similar way that immigrants flee  their own countires and come here.  Imagine what would have happened if Native Amerixcans had the fire power to deport those immigrants.  What would our view of them had been.  Are we afraid that we will wind up like the Native Americans?  This is just a thought experiment. 

Not really. The people who came to North America were settlers, not immigrants. They were not migrating to an already-existing society. They didn't enter native American communities and adopt their culture. The initial American population was mostly English, partly Scottish, and a little bit German. Those are the people who created the United States. They created our currently existing political institutions. We are not a "nation of immigrants", we are a European nation founded in English political tradition that successfully integrated millions of northern and western Europeans mostly before 1880, successfully integrated millions of southern and eastern Europeans mostly between 1880 and 1924, and has failed to integrate millions of non-Europeans since 1965.