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Faelco said:

People in France voted for François Hollande almost 5 years ago for change. "The change is now" was his slogan, and all of his voters believed this.

Right now, 4% of French people are happy with him. 4% only. Almost all of his voters abandoned him when he started to do the same things than before, or even worse, like passing laws without a vote in the Parliament. And not the laws he promised, the exact opposite: laws against the workers and for the companies, or recently a huge database with data about every citizen. One of his excuses is that he had to "grow up" and that some things he promised were unrealistic. The opposition (so, the guys the voters wanted to change) are pretty amazed about these things, because the "change champion" Hollande just passed what they wanted to do for years but never could because it was too unpopular. Hollande is now hated and his own party doesn't want him to run for his own succession. Anyone understand now that his "change" was a huge fraud.

Don't vote for "change", vote for a program. Understand the program you vote for. Understand if what you want to vote for is possible or not. Or it will be hard to wake up in a few years thinking that you were just lied to.


That's the biggest problem with democracy. It's just a popularity contest and most of the voters don't understand or don't want to understand what is said, what is promised, what is possible, what is realistic and what is good for the country. 

Example : If you voted for Trump for the Mexican-paid wall, yeah... Good luck with that.

Same in Greece. We voted a communist for the first time in ever(?) only because we wanted change and he did exactly what the previous goverment did. And I mean exactly. Now everyone hates him and he's going to lose the next election only for the next prime minister to do the exact same thing only with 10x more corruption. America, ufortunately, is not a special case. The only difference is that politicians can actually speak, instead of sounding like a spoilt brat, like Trump. His "debates" would have received an F from any teacher.