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pokoko said:
I don't really believe most of the "voting for change" people, to be honest.

At the end of the day, Trump won the less educated because he had the best rhetoric. Not having any real plans ended up being a selling point. Some people don't want to hear explanations they won't understand, they just want someone to say, "I'm going to fix stuff and everything will be better!"

This isn't only about US-elections. But looking at Trump he didn't have 'the best' rethorics but rethorics for more, well, simple minded people. He more or less owned Twitter. And for some strange reason people think of him as anti establishment. Which is a bit weird if you think about it.

He promised basically everything. Like going back to US-coal. But, like german coal, that one is way more expensive. Economic interests. Now, if Trump was honest he could tell people about economic interests. But if you want to get the (unemployed) miners then tell them they get their job back.


Promising more or less everything is what poulists do. And right now we see populists being very successful, especially loudmouths.


At the same time, most politicians seem to have lost their ground. Politicians should finally start to really explain what they are doing and why.