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JWeinCom said:
Because people are generally stupid.

There are legitimate reasons to dislike Hillary Clinton, or to be wary of her. But because some people are already predisposed to dislike her, confirmation bias kicks in, and they accept ridiculous shit.

In the end, we have a bizarre situation, where people on the right are putting forth a version of Hillary Clinton who is a mastermind that is cunning enough to manipulating the entire world through a network of shadow operatives, yet is simultaneously careless enough to not store her emails correctly.

The beauty of the alt-right's campaign, is that they've framed it as a conspiracy theory. This means that any evidence that goes against their preconceived notions are automatically suspect. Conspiracy theories are non-falsifiable positions, which allows believers to shut off the logical part of their brains, and just go with it.

You've got it bass ackwards there.  Hillary is no "mastermind", she's only the candidate of choice for the global political and social elite that will keep the gravy train running for another 4 years.  Hillary has been crowing about a "vast right wing conspiracy" against her for over 20 years now, when back in reality she's her own worst enemy and is corruption personified.

Speaking of conspiracy theories... it wasn't all that long ago that the liberal left in this country and around the globe was insisting that George W Bush, a bumbling idiot and former alcoholic, was part of a government backed plot that carried out the "false flag" known as 9/11 just so they could wage endless war in the Middle East.  "Bush did 9/11" was the "Obama is a non-citizen Muslim" of the previous decade.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.