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Zkuq said:

Well, well, Captain Obvious strikes again and tells me about the size of different audiences. Did you read my reasons at all? I was talking about the possibility of Wii going out of fashion or something like that. It is extremely unlikely they would stop buying Wii but it they did, it would be disastrous. Also, if PS3 manages to penetrate the casual market (which it will, it's just about when and is it in time; I wouldn't expect it anytime soon) it will be much more difficult for Wii.

Why do you think that Sony will suddenly become creative enough and understand the market enough to be a threat to the Wii. They have certainly showed no signs of any such ability so far.

But I'll throw you a bone. I'll concede that Sony could prevail if and only if they can hire Miyamoto as their head of design and Malstrom as head of marketing. Otherwise they're in a mismatch. Right now they are coming out of life support in part because there is always a market for anything that's the biggest and most powerful and extravagant available. Hell, they manage to sell Hummers don't they.