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loadedstatement said:
Well unless things drastically change, the Wii looks like the winner. The PS3 has been picking up in sales. I wouldnt brush it off.


The PS3's sales aren't picking up anywhere near enough to catch up to the Wii.  Month-to-month, they barely manage to catch up to the Xbox360, and the Xbox360 has had more months outselling the PS3 than the other way around.  Not to forget that many 3rd party companies dropped a lot of PS3 support, or PS3 exclusivity (leading to an infamous GameSpot article where Sony "pleaded" with third party companies not to give up on the system), meaning that in the coming months and year, the PS3 will continue to have the fewest exclusive titles, and the smallest 3rd party support.  Worse, multi-platform titles sell better on the Xbox360 because too many people are buying PS3's for a Blu-Ray player rather than a gaming machine.  I wouldn't be surprised if the slight upswing in PS3 sales was entirely due to Blu-Ray essentially winning the HD war.  It's questionable if that Blu-Ray-fueled improvement (if indeed the cause of slightly increased sales) could continue with enough strength to actually push the PS3 well over the Xbox360.  As of now, the only place that the PS3 is totally outselling any other current-gen system is Japan where it outsells the Xbox360 to no one's surprise.


I don't mean to be "down" on the PS3, but it lost too much steam too fast and MGS4 and FFXIII probably won't be enough to save it.  Especially when it's supposed killer apps (Lair, Heavenly Sword, Haze, Uncharted) continue to receive lackluster reviews and/or poor sales.