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darthdevidem01 said:

he obviously means Wii = inferior = last gen


Oh. Ok.

And I think a lot of people have still not understood Nintendos strategy.

To say that Nintendo will soon come out with a console more powerful than the PS3 is just insane. The current nintendo strategy is to NOT make gaming about graphics. The new value is INTERFACE. How people interact with a game. The reason they are doing this is because if you're going for graphics, you compete on the same grounds as MS&Sony. And lets face it, graphics is NOT the most important aspect of a game.

By changing the values they compete with, they have effectivly created a spot for themselves where they have no competetion. Sony and MS consoles are HD consoles. HD implies that it focuses on graphics, and a movie-like experience. PS360 is bigger, stronger and better. Noone would buy a PS3 for 'casual gaming'. The image is wrong.  The biggest games for these consoles are instead movie-like experiences (bigger, stronger, better), with over-the-top graphics, but no news when it comes to the way we interact with the game. These games sell to a crowd of young males. They have very little appeal to people outside of this demographic.

Since the entire culture and image of PS360 is Bigger, better, stronger, the companies starts to think this way. If you ask them how to make a succesful game I am sure they (or at least most) would respond with something like 'You need a big budget, so you can hire actors, great designers etc, great graphics, story and gameplay elements. The key is to make an immersive experience' or somesuch. They will probably also throw around words like details, freedom, cooperation, multiplayer (internet) as to features needed in the game. (MGS4, GTAIV, K2, R2, not to mention all games already released)

If you ask someone at Nintendo, the answer would most likely differ enormously. Something along the lines of 'A game that anyone can have fun with. Controls need to be intuative, and immersion should come from the way you interact with the game.' (I'm pretty new at this strategy myself, so it's a bit hard to put in words).

The entire nintendo library therefore is built on new ways to interact. Any 'casual' gamer faced with the choice of buying either a PS360 or a Wii has an easy choice. As a result, PS360 might try to capture the 'casual' market, but will face extreme difficulties in doing so.

As you understand what the Nintendo strategy is, you can see the reason behind every move nintendo has done with the Wii. Wii Fit for example, is a direct result of nintendo approaching gaming in an entirely different way. Wii Fit could never have been born within Sony or Microsoft.

Also, we're back to Wii as a fad, the main reason stated for why the Wii sales will soon drop. Fact is that the new Nintendo values are permeating the market, and have been since the release of the DS. This will not stop, for the same reasons people would not want to go back to the +-controller or the joystick before that (It provides less control, is less immersive, and alienating to new consumers). The 'hardcore' gamers will naturally stay with the HD consoles, at least this generation, but Nintendo will catch all or almost all of the new customers. 

PS360 might be the next gen, but Wii is the new gen.

And yes, I have been stealing most of these thoughts from Malstrom.

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