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A little off topic but ever since coming to this site and seeing how popular FF8 is I been wondering if this is base on which FF was your first.

When FF8 came out after loving every FF 1-7 I hated 8 and everyone I knew hated 8. Truthfully until coming to this site I just assume everyone disliked that game. Been awhile but I think it was a dislike of lack of equipment replaced by Junction System and level scaling and simply not enjoying the story as much as the standard set by 7 and the SNES ones.

So the people that like ff8 was your introduction to FF on the NES/SNES or was playstation or later when you was introduce?

Not looking for a debate on the game, I am just truly curious if dislike of the game was just in my circle of friends and people I knew or is what people think of the game more of a generational thing.