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For the handful of users on here who still have the app installed on their phone but need a reason to fire it up this week, note that as of midnight it appears that the First catch of a Pokemon each day will reward a bonus 500xp and a bonus of 600 stardust over the normal, also now your first Pokestop of the day will give you the same massive boost of items which you normally would have gotten from your Tenth unique Pokestop hit and on top of the pile of items you'll also be rewarded with 550xp a boost of 500 over the normal, While this is just the xp of evolving 2 weedles into Kakuna's it's still a nice bonus which at least encourages you to open the app at least once in the day, there is also talk of a big bonus if you continue to get the daily bonus for 7 consecutive days, check in with me here next week to find out what that is!

Go go catch some new guys... since also the new hashing algorithm which controlled the spawn point information from Ingress and determined how Pokemon spawned in PoGo seems to have also been altered this weekend, which spelled the death of longtime tracking site Fast Poke Map once and for all.. but does now mean that regional Pokemon have become almost common place, so get ready to be converting many many Mimes into candy in the coming weeks of play.

Happy hunting!

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