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DB Super has been awesome these last episodes. I remember last year I wrote something about how Toei was ruining this golden chance with the most popular anime IP by making DB Super basically garbage so I'm really happy with this rise in quality.

I still feel it's not up there with the best of Z, but it has been really good. I just hope they give Gohan, Goten and young Trunks more showing since they haven't done a thing lately. It sucks considering that Gohan was the strongest character at the end of DBZ and had main focus in most of the series and Goten and Trunks were given a lot of attention in the anime/manga canon and in movies right before the end of DBZ.

It also makes me curious to know which are stronger, DBGT SSJ4 Goku, Vegeta and Gogeta or their DBSuper SS Blue forms (vegito in this case)