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*bleu-ocelot* said:
Current trends are not a reflection of future trends.What's popular today,isn't necessarily popular tomorrow,and their is still a couple more years left for this current gen.Even longer for Sony and the Playstation 3. What the Wii sells.The PS3 can easily sell if the right price was there.who's to say that the Wii wont slow down and that the PS3 wont dominate the market;one year from now.The PS2 appealed to the casuals also.

No, I'm sorry. Your faith, while touching is totally misplaced. Sony screwed the pooch this time around. And it seems like the current management is continuing to flounder around while trying to figure out what went wrong.

What went wrong is they didn't design a console they engineered one. It's all hardware with nary a sign of imagination or vision. They got the price wrong, they got the features wrong, hell they even got the look wrong.

Yes, lets design a big dark monolith of a console, price it about twice what consoles have ever sold for, advertise it with some dark violent ads, sweeten the deal with a video disk format that's trying to obsolete their DVD library but will look great on their giant HD TV, which they don't have. That'll get Mom and dad scrambling to get their kid one. Give me a break. Did anyone at Sony go to business school?