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curl-6 said:
Ganoncrotch said:

Was the Wii-U really your first console ever? It must have certainly been your first Nintendo machine because the support for SNES - N64 - GC and Wii all dropped like a rock when their successor consoles were on the way, and rightly so because the only thing worse than a Gaming company we love launching an unpopular, un profitable console... would be if they were to stick with it until they closed their doors just to please some disgruntled person who only got 5 years out of a console.

N64/GC/Wii I'll grant you, but SNES?

From 1996 on it got Super Mario RPG, Donkey Kong Country 3, Kirby's Dreamland 3, Harvest Moon, Street Fighter 2 Alpha, FIFA, NBA, Terranigma...

Star Fox 2 was almost complete though, then Nintendo absolutely pulled the rug out from under it and just harvested the project for parts and fed them into Lylat wars. As for the games you listed 2 of them are from Nintendo... at a stretch, SMRPG was from Square.

The SNES version of SFA2 was an amazing send off to the console though, considering it's running on a 2.79mhz processor... that game is just unnatural for how it runs on the SNES


Don't get me wrong Curl btw, I really do not want a company who would focus their efforts on a machine which is on the way out rather than looking to make their future console amazing, while I think the Nintendo way of moving on is harsh for the old gen machines, it gives you a reason to upgrade, when I got my N64 with Lylat wars and Mario 64 I was absolutely blown away and so was my SNES away from my TVs RF port! I am never a fan of having to go back and forth between gen machines for different games, that is why I am fine with remasters on next gen machines too, I was fine with paying out another 20e for Ultra Street fighter 4 on the PS4 just to save me having to bounce back to the X360 to play it on that console.

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