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WagnerPaiva said:
CosmicSex said:
I haven't heard anyone explain why Trump would make a good president. Only why Hilary needs to be hated. And I'm not a fan of hating people just because I was told too. This applies to Trump as well. When I look at him, I don't hate him. For Trump supports, what does he do to increase the quality of your life as president? Please be clear. For example:
If Hilary becomes president, she has committed herself to making community colleges free. That would help a lot of people get the education they need to create and work and support themselves.

Notice how I didn't bring up hate for her opponent? What is it about Trump that attracts you to him and has caused him to earn your vote?

He will probably be lousy. But at least he will leave Russia alone.

Being Russia's puppet isn't "leaving them alone". 

It will only embolden them, and then you will have a bigger problem down the line if they start invading other former Soviet bloc countries without any repurcussions.