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TwilightPrince said:
Sim City will be complete shit on the Wii compared to the PC games. Motion controls will add nothing to that game. Shaun White Snowboarding looks interesting.

 Sim City doesn't need motion controls: the Wii's pointer is more than enough. In fact, there's not much I can think of that Sim City needs that the Wii can't offer: true, you wouldn't be able to use the pointer and buttons quickly enough to play an RTS on the system (without a peripheral), but Sim City hardly needs split-second timing. Besides, EA evidently has enough faith in the system's interface that they're porting over Spore, which I imagine needs a heckuva lot more buttons to play than Sim City...

And it's funny that you mention Shaun White, since that's actually the game that has me laughing the most. Not because I think it will be bad by any means, but because Ubisoft is taking out the simulation parts of the other consoles and dumbing the thing down for the Wii. Conclusion: Ubisoft=funny.