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I thought to myself; "Well, why not finally beat that final boss of Triforce Heroes." Really, that I set aside a Zelda game for almost a year says enough I'd say, but anyway.

Having tried just once more, not even until a Game Over screen or until I actually beat it I'm already done again. Just 10 minutes was enough to fully drain my excitement and remind me how badly it sucks. I can't fathom that this game exists in the same series that also contains the likes of Ocarina of Time or A Link to the Past. And yes, I'm rating it on the same level as the other games because Nintendo was dumb enough to call it "Legend of Zelda". Basically everything about this thing is broken, frustrating or tedious, and single-player is unfair. Really one of the worst games I ever played. The Music Ball mini-game is it's only positive point. I'll just watch the ending on Youtube or something, it's only use to me now is to complete my Zelda collection.

There, I needed a little rant.