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Rachet and Clank: Future Tools of Destruction

Site Profile GameSpot


7.5 out of 10


Review mean averages ftw.

...that the duo's first outing on the PlayStation 3 finds them facing an identity crisis of sorts. The game just can't decide what it wants to be. The story tries to be epic in its scope and appeal to an older audience, but the game is extremely easy and the story's premise is thin and the ending disappointing. The core gameplay of shooting and platforming is as solid as ever, but it's diluted by too many uninteresting minigames and unnecessary gameplay mechanics. Although these issues prevent the game from achieving the same high level as previous entries in the series, it's still a very good game.

Just because a reviewer can write well, doesn't mean they still aren't writing an opinion. Cherrypicking the "Oh snap" moments of any review and then laughing at the fans of that game online because of that review, makes me sick. Most hardcore fans will be playing this game long after it's been patched and you've forgotten about it in your little console wars.

Games like Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, which might have gotten terrible reviews, but still manages to blow Super Mario Galaxy, Bioshock, and GTAIV out of the water for enveloping story, epic battles, and deep rewarding gameplay.


...also right now, NG2 has a rounded average of 84. That's the exact same score as the final score for DMC4.

Now, I loved DMC4, it's one of my favorite games this generation, and in fact the big "camera" problems in the game and "repeating levels," which were big talking points for negatives about the game, turned out to be nitpicks for fans of the series. In fact, the IGN review directly states that NG2 is better than DMC4.

The average score for a game on metacritic or gamerankings is just an average opinion, not a real one. Anyone can pick the two worse and harshest reviews for the game and then pick the harshest portions of those harshest reviews and post them and talk someone out of buying the game.

The thing is, it's not a bad game....and in the end aren't there really only two types of games, that matter?


The real final fact is, we're flaming a game for not quite reaching AAA status on gamerankings, and it is fanboyism at its purist. If you wouldn't have cared that the game scored AAA one way or another, then you shouldn't care that the game didn't.

The PS3 has yet to score a AAA exclusive, according to gamerankings, until MGS4 gets enough votes to be ranked, that is. Does that really mean that the PS3 has no "great" exclusive games on it, as by you gentlemens logic that's true? Either that, or cherrpicking the 1up and Eurogamer review was just an accident and you no longer trust IGN. I wonder what inspired your bloodlust for this game's reviews. Itagaki hate, fanboyism, misguided trust in gamerankings and bandwagon hopping, all three, or some combination? 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.