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numberwang said:

Lol Trump can not win, he has only 2% chance of winning the nomination! Clearly Bush will win.

98% wrong Nate...

Nate has adjusted and admitted he underestimated Trump in the early part of the primaries (so did a lot of people). He went through a period where he overestimated Trump as well. 

The problem with Trump is there's only so many people in the US his message resonates with. 40% of the country is a minority, a good chunk of white people are college educated (which Trump struggles with), and women are 50+% of the voter turnout (a majority). 

At some point you hit a wall with your message. 

That's not "rigged", that's Trump being stupid and alienating a large portion of voters right off the bat, and also naturally Clinton was always going to get a bump from women. These are just demographic realities.