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FentonCrackshell said:

This means absolutely nothing!!! Hillary Clinton supporters can overlook her corruption the same way Donald Trump supporters can look the other way as he gropes women without their permission, skips paying taxes, and commits rapant adultery. These 2 candidates are both lucky their running against the other because no one would vote for either of them if the other weren't so damn unelecatble!

I think it does mean something. I really don't think the FBI would be moving against her at all if they don't intend to move really quick. Besides, there are not only hardcore supporters. There are (especially this election with two unpopular candidates) a lot of on the fence people, and a lot of reluctant supporters are going to flip, vote third party, or stay home as a result of this.

Even if she should win somehow, what's going to come out will cripple her politically. She'll probably be insta-impeached.