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You can have XBox One ports ... you will have to accept

1.) Lower quality graphics/character models/lighting and shader effects/lower quality textures/lack of anti-aliasing. Developers will be have to be willing to put in some work to downgrade the graphics assets. Tegra X1 struggles with even PS3/360 ports unless a developer is willing to put in some real work (see Metal Gear Rising is awful on the Tegra X1, it runs way better on a 10-year-old XBox 360). 

2.) Lower frame rate

3.) 540p-720p resolution instead of 900p-1080p

Good for people who play a lot on the go. Not so good if you play a lot at home, you would be better off getting the XB1/PS4 and certainly the PS4 Pro/Scorpio version of pretty much any game.