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spemanig said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:

Lol. You did not even attempt to dispute my facts. Nor did you answer my question. How do you work for this site? And I remember predicting Wii U before ANYONE! People said I was stupid, wrong, or would be disappointed. I was none of those things.

Mad penmanship, yo! And bribery.

I'm being on my best behavior lol. The only fact is that Nintendo already said what it is. A home gaming device. Nintendo didn't say it was a third pillar. They said it was a home gaming device. If you're disappointed that you're not being forced to keep it at home, then I'm sorry you feel that way. If you're disappointed that this is what Nintendo chose to replace the Wii U with, then I'm sorry that this is the product that disappointed you. But this product wasn't made to replace the 3DS. It was made to redefine gaming platforms. Making a home console portable does that.

It was made to salvage what's left of Nintendo's declining hardware line by throwing everything into the portable basket (the only hardware Nintendo has been consistently good at for the last 20 years), and mitigating damage to Nintendo's as a corporation by sparing them another failed console versus Sony/MS.

The only Nintendo console that's done great in the last 20 years was the Wii, and that had a controller gimmick, now obviously Nintendo doesn't have that this time (or last time) because if they did they would've used it obviously. So they had no choice in a lot of ways but to make a hybrid system. 

They could not go on forever having games like Splatoon locked away from 80% of their own audience because even Nintendo fans weren't buying their consoles anymore and they could no longer go on supporting two seperate platforms. The portable line basically won out in the end, but the "console" gets a token nod with a cheap plastic dock and the "home console" moniker being kept around (which I bet they will drop in about a year once 3DS sales completely fizzle out).