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colonelstubbs said:
densiyrex said:
bobobologna said:
So instead of buying an XBox360 or PS3 to play games like Assassin's Creed or Orange Box or COD4 or Bioshock, you are just going to complain that they aren't on the Wii?

How about, oh I dunno, getting a job and buying one of said consoles (or a PC as all the games I listed are available for PC as well)?

And don't buy crappy Wii games.

Reading for you is hard no...

You did not even read my complete messsage

You have no clue if I even work you assume I don't ( I got a very decent wage thank you)

I am getting a PS3

I am not saying ac or orange box or cod needed to go to wii

but bg&e is one suited for wii or any other shooter build up for wii would work.

BUt sure start flaming I really don't care.

And what I can get for PC I play on pc.

I am wanting to make a civil discussion not an other flame thread.

You dont have to leave a line between EVERY sentence you know...just sayin'

 Thank you for your meaningless contribution to this thread.




Wonderfull.  I type how I want too.