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superchunk said:
Aura7541 said:

I fail to see how that addresses even one of my points. If the PS5 uses entirely different GPU and CPU architectures as well as a greater memory pool and different RAM type, then you can no longer call that a skinned PS4. A skinned PS4 is a PS4 iteration that still uses Jaguar and Volcanic Islands albeit with higher clock speeds, frequencies, and FLOPS. Or are you absolutely sure that the PS5 will still use those architectures? How do you know that Sony won't opt for the Vega and K12 successors, or the successors to those successors?

And we can't really say anything about the Scorpio. We have absolutely no information on its specs other than that it is more powerful than the Pro. Whether it is still fundamentally an XB1 is yet to be determined until we have our hands on the spec sheet.

You are ignoring the reason why MSony went to x86. THe CPU/GPU won't be significantly different architecture. It will be more powerful, yes but still within the family. Same as mobile.

Mobile has signifanct increases in power over 4 to 5 years (about a console generation), yet they still support the same apps, OS, etc. PS5 will be the same. Look at the Scropio. It has a significant jump in power compared to XboxOne, some have even argued its more like a generational change. Yet, it will run the same OS and games.

People are not thinking big enough about these consoles. Sony standardized their controller many generations ago and with PS4 they are standardizing on their OS and architecture. PS4 launched in 2013, first minor revision three years later, next revision (PS5) will be two/three years after that with new GPU.

Don't get caught up on my usage of the word skinned. That is just a plastic box and is meaningless. Think about lessons to be learned from mobile/pc markets in hardware (Sony is fundamentally an electronics company), think about the software they've put out with PS4 (psvue, vc-like capability, etc). This is standardization. PS4Pro is proof of their intent on incremental mobile-like hardware revisions. Sure, at some point they will call it a "next-gen" with a PS5. But that is no different than iPhone calling their versions 4, then 4s, then 5, etc. Just a new skin with incrementally more powerful hardware. Usage of the word "next-gen" at this point is just for marketing. There will no longer be generational differences in terms of software support. (for MSony)

That's rather silly reasoning. Sony saying that they are commited to generations means that they likely won't be prioritizing support for the PS4 when the PS5 comes out. Just like every other generation.

Don't expect Sony first party games to come to the PS4 for very long after the PS5 is out.

You should also remember that itterative hardware revisions are not helping the mobile market. It is becoming harder and harder for them to convince customers to upgrade each year.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.