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Hiku said:

I don't know if I'd make a prediction on how much it will sell in 2016 just yet, with the holidays not far from their announcment of Pro and cutting of the price. Those factors were not present last year, so there's no clear comparison. There's also the long awaited Final Fantasy XV and Last Guardian coming out around that time so it'll be interesting to see how that may affect things.
But generally, I don't think the market has shrunk much outside of Japan due to the perception of mobile gaming in Japan. And I think Sony and MS can drag this generation out for a while more potently thanks to Pro and Scorpio. Nintendo's Switch being so underpowered certainly doesn't light a fire under their butts to hurry either.

No, no, the gaming market has grown immensely, but gamers are more scattered than ever. The so-called fringe consumers have more choices and opt for devices and games that suit their specific tastes and needs better (and budget). The console market as a whole is moving quite slowly compared to the 7th and yet revenue from gaming on a global scale has doubled in half a decade.
It is too early to tell, but I prefer being grounded to being overly optimistic or pessimistic.

Like I freely admit; I could be wrong, it's not like I haven't been wrong before.