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malistix1985 said:
Xen said:

There are some misunderstandings in this post.

Carts will almost always be faster than a HDD. No moving parts, just a stream of electrons :)

Nintendo doesn't release specs of their systems since... the Wii, I think.

Carts should be faster, but its not a sure thing. But the biggest issue is the size, if they want to put nba 2k17 on the console and the cards are less then 50GB then there will have to be concessions, or a download for the additional download and a massive storage in the console.

IT would be great if the cardridges are 64GB and there is a huge storage, think about it, when a game releases like red dead redemption 2, which is the biggest game to release next year and even if it fits on a cartridge it would still recieve massive updates, where do those updates go on the tablet?

So its not misleading, its a bold decision that might bite them concidering third party support and the quality of third party games, untill we know the full specs we won't know but its very likely the storage speed won't be a problem but the storage amount will be

But It is a sure thing in anything but (possibly) a sustained read. I remember seeing somewhere that the price difference is, as well, small between BD and flash memory - can't find the exact page atm, but Nintendo should have space covered.

Updates are given in any game these days - and that should be covered as well.  Exactly "how", doesn't really matter to a buyer I think. You'll see when the thing is closer to being released.