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PS4 Pro also has a feature to help with PSVR

A look at the image beamed out to the PSVR headset. Second-gen PSVR titles will be able to leverage bespoke multi-resolution technology that allows the 'edges' of the view here to be rendered at a lower resolution. There'll be a big boost to performance with no noticeable impact to image quality in the HMD.

When PlayStation 4 Pro launches on November 10, it won’t bring any immediate changes to PlayStation VR. Instead, as Mark Cerny told The Verge, it’s up to developers to take advantage of the PS4 Pro’s extra power – something that’s completely optional.
“We’re just asking for them to take advantage,” he added. “We’d like for them to take a look at what the hardware can do and do something with it.”

Besides already having 2.2x the gpu power available and some extra cpu, psvr titles could look a lot better on ps4 pro.
I wonder if that multi resolution tech can be used on base ps4 as well. Depends whether it's part of the SDK or if it relies on the hardware enhancements for checkerboard rendering. Makes sense to render all samples in the center and reduce the density towards the edges that get stretched out anyway.