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RolStoppable said:

Slimebeast said:

No. Actually it starts with I need to compensate but it ends with "..and a lot of Nintendo fans apparently need to compensate"!!

You can't be serious. Lower price... Obviously power is more important than price.

And development costs, we as gamers don't have to worry about that. We don't develop the games.

This gen has tought that power is everything.

Double the Wii U and we're a go. Instant success.

This gen saw the Vita getting steamrolled by the 3DS, so "power is everything" simply doesn't hold up. There are also plenty of reasons why the PS4 won that have nothing to do with power, so power is really a case of coincidence rather than the cause.

Development costs matter for exactly the reason I stated. 3DS software can take more creative risks than any of the other current gen systems. It's a world of difference if you get full retail games or have to settle for indie titles in order to satisfy your appetite for certain kinds of games.



I know that power hardly matters anything in console gaming. I was just playing Devil's advocate as you mite or mite not have guessed.

Pirice is obviusly much more important, whether if they make it a $249 machine or $349 is crucial for success.

And the PS4 with its ease of development this generation proved that easy to develop for is also an important factor.