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Apparently it helps top down racers, perhaps also sufficient to have any other 2.5D game run in native 4K. Not suitable for HDR rendering I would think. That double flops statement is about as useful as MS doubling the memory bandwidth of esram because you can read and write simultaneously under certain circumstances.

There are other tricks that are useful in that article, improved culling (primitive discard accelerator) to save render workload, inflight compression (DCC) to save bandwidth, improved load balancing or work distributor to make better use of the available CUs, free ID buffer next to the Z-buffer to improve upscaling techniques and temporal AA.

Key in all this is:
"The point though is that these are techniques that can be implemented for a fraction of a per cent for the overall budget for the title," Cerny concludes - and with sample code supplied to developers, there should be relatively few issues in all future titles supporting PS4 Pro.

The big downside in the article, ps4 games will run the same without a pro patch, in compatibility mode (half gpu disable and at original clock speed) as I expected. And the extra 512mb memory is for 4K render buffers, no expectations for higher res texture packs.