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I am not a fan of musicals, but there are some Bollywood movies so amazing and well made that I can´t help myself but loving them.

It is not at all a "so bad it´s good" case, these two movies are well made and have easy to follow plots, not just a bunch of musical numbers.

Granted, these twomovies have cool songs, one of them is one of my favorites, but the main attraction is the movies, the story and the gorgeors women, indian girls just can´t be beaten.

I would love to know of some of your favorite hindi movies as well, but, for now, here are mine (both are on Netflix, with subtitles):

Makkhi (Eega)

In this one a guy is murdered by a billionaire and comes back as a fly that wants vengeance. Amazing special effects (impressive CGI as well) and my favorite Bollywood song ever. It is a horror comedy with some really cool action and romance.

And look at the main lady, Lord have mercy...

Also I love London 1920, a crazy horror movie about a man that gets possessed by a demon.

Only two real songs,  

but with a kicking ass main actress, beautiful girl.

Look how pretty she looks in this musical number:

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.