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Bandorr said:
S.Peelman said:
While it's really shocking the reveal didn't happen at the NX reveal, an NX version is technically not ruled out because Rockstar could just be under nda like every other living soul on this planet.

But I wouldn't exactly hold my breath, no.

Poor onionberry's butt.

Rockstar could be under NDA yes so my question is - why did they announce it today? It isn't the anniverary of either of the title.

If they wanted to they could have just waited until they were no longer under NDA. It would save any confusion of saying "Playstation xbox" and then adding "oh and nintendo NX" months later.

Occam's razor. The simplest answer is usually the best. And right now, the simplest answer is there is no NX version.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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