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Wyrdness said:
Soundwave said:

I'm "hung up" on Tegra because several credible sources are saying that and no credible source has come forward to say "no guys, that's wrong" (which would be simple enough to do). 

The Tegra hybrid is not what I would personally design or want either, but I've been around "the game" of following Nintendo for long enough to know what I (or you) want doesn't mean shit. 

And there are plenty of rational reasons to combine the portable and console into one device. Nintendo fans as is barely choose to buy the console even when the Wii U is like 100x more powerful than a 3DS with many of its own exclusives. Who the fuck really is going to go rushing to buy a "shared library" Nintendo console that has no exclusives and the graphics gap is maybe 3 or 4 to 1 (can't be much larger than that otherwise game engines simply aren't going to run properly across devices). 

Again not what *I* would personally make though, so you can put that little puppy to sleep right now. I'm not advocating for this, but this is apparently the direction Nintendo has chosen. And no amount of crying, bitching, complaining is going to change that. If Nintendo didn't change Toon Link back to the "realistic Link", there's no amount of backlash that will get them to change their mind on something before they try it. 

You are hung up on it which is why you jump on any person who doesn't buy it whether its another user or people like SMD because God forbid they think another claim is plausible, a hybrid has several key problems that

All you know of Nintendo's direction is that they're inspired by IOS and Android and plan to make their platforms like brothers so claiming Tegar like it's fact is just OTT because if the rumour is wrong you're just going to look silly along with EG which is why many of us are more focused on whether a rumour is plausible. Who's going to buy the console variant you ask how about those who don't really want to game on the go, that's the whole point of the family of devices approach each device is for a specific type of person, I'd bet you Wii U would have sold much more if it had a shared library with no exclusives.

Funny you mentioned Link because look at the game that followed WW so that's not a good example, they're not looking at backlash but they sure as hell need a set up that is plausible with less flaws than the Wii U and a hybrid has more direct issues than a family of devices under one ecosystem which is why people question the hybrid rumours.

SMD64 has opened himself to criticism because he's been pushing a theory for like 6+ months now with no proof. At this point I think even he might suspect deep down he's wrong, but he's getting views to his Youtube channel so he's milking it and that's the most annoying thing about Nintendo taking so damn long to unveil this thing. 

The best thing about the NX reveal will be having people like that get their channels basically shut down because no one is going to care what they think once we have the official story. 

Disagree with your assetment of a "shared library" Wii U ... if Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 and Mario 3D World were on the 3DS and the graphics were similar (not quite as good but close enough) I think the Wii U would've sold *even worse*. 

Many people are going to say "screw that" if you ask them to pay $250-$300+ more to basically to play the same handheld games but just on the TV. The handheld itself should be able to display games on the TV ... my guess is Nintendo realized this too in the design process and opted to go the hybrid approach. With the way technology is today there's no reason to force people to have to buy two seperate pieces of hardware to do what Nintendo wants.