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Dude, the internet is really toxic at any time of the year, but more so during election season. Some dude on youtube just called me a retard, mindless, liberal because I said I'm voting for Hillary. I told him, "whatever, say what you want, I don't care". That's the mentality I have to have.

It's toxic, it's disgusting the things that are being said but the world is vast, the amount of people who think so differently is amazing. True, the way that they interact is disgusting but what can you do? Tell them to stop? Take away their freedom of speech? I don't think that's an option. Just don't get involved in cancerous content.

Believe in what you want to believe in. Live life, there's so much else to do and see. Instead of being like these toxic threads, decide that you're going to contribute something to your favorite field or hobby. Improve yourself, move forward, and stuff. I know I sound like a cheesy try hard but it's the only way I can express myself.

I know it sounds counterintutive to some, but not giving these threads your attention is the best way to slow it or make it stop. Making threads and polls about them only irritates that group of people. I dunno, that's my two cents. You're too smart for this hershel, too smart. In your games I mean. LOL