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Nuvendil said:
curl-6 said:

Both games are cancerous tumours to their respective franchises. 

I won't waste my breath with Other M, seeing it is garbage.  But I believe I could legitimately, objectively, irrefutably defy that statement about Wind Waker and I don't go out on that limb very often.  Like it or dislike, that's your business.  But I know genuinely BAD game design.  I know genuinely BAD gameplay.  I have endured my suffering in the trenches of Two Worlds and I will not have my trauma trivialized by such hyperbole :P

Also, I like Wind Waker and every other Zelda I have played and hold it frankly has the most consistent quality standard of possibly any franchise I have played and I will die defending that hill.  

Putting aside my personal dislikes, the main reason I see WW as so malignant is that it spearheaded the alienation of core gamers from the Zelda series and carved a rift through the fanbase that persists to this day. It was a game that sowed division and discord.