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xl-klaudkil said:
Curious question though,how many times did the xbox one win worldwide?

We know it definitely won October 2015 and that even Japan probably had to swallow a XONE victory for a week... 

Kerotan said:
xl-klaudkil said:
Curious question though,how many times did the xbox one win worldwide?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here lol!  If you're talking months possibly never.  Weeks,  a handful...  Maybe. 


GribbleGrunger said:
Guitarguy said:
I'm a Sony guy but even I must say Microsoft deserves this one. Stripping out the optical port on the Slim and not including a UHD blu ray drive in the Pro was really disappointing. Even not including a UHD drive in the Slim disappointed me but I thought that it would be in the Pro as a selling feature. Hopefully this lights a fire under Sony as I feel they were getting a bit too comfortable in the last 12 months.

Sony are just fine. The XB1 got a bump because of bargains with the XB1 and the PS4 slumped a little because of people waiting for the Pro. Any sales lost this month will be added to next month. It's that simple.

Then MS must press harder. If Sony doesn't burn they will get complacent (Bethesda already had to deal with a not desperate enough Sony) and the player will have to pay by adhering to their stupid ruleset. Here's hoping both companies tear each other to despair and we can reap the benefits... 

xl-klaudkil said:
Swordmasterman said:

Hard to know, since just a few countries release hardware numbers.

True,but since we do know how much the ps4 sold/and Microsoft  to afraid to tell i bet its actually 0 times since both  asia/japan   and Europe  is a huge pro PlayStation. 


When even my brother  buys a ps4 yet he always  supported  xbox you know something  is up.

I had the opposite reaction with the OG Xbox... 

walsufnir said:
Well, what does that mean for the amazon-monthly threads?

Hopefully we can throw them into aqua regia and pretend they never were a thing to start with... 

TruckOSaurus said:

When did people start putting that much faith in Amazon rankings? Back in the day anyone bringing up Amazon as a sales reference was shamed and baby seal were clubbed.

Things were great a few years back. They went down the shitter when the world refused to in 2012... 

Kerotan said:
poklane said:

PS3 = 40.900 (54.3% up YoY)
WiiU = 36.300 (58.9% down YoY)


Crazy to think when the Wii was dominating the ps3 that not only would the ps3 last much longer it would also outsell the Wii U, it's successor,  in its final year.  Crazy. 

poklane said:

I have the gap at 1.607mil using numbers from all the NPD threads on this website, but due to those numbers being rounded to the nearest thousand (for example 332.800 = 333k and 285.300 = 285k) and based on % increases it could be off by a few thousand.

Holy shit the 3 month win streak barely dented it's lead.  Come November it will be growing again. 

barneystinson69 said:

Why would I? This is the US we're talking about, not Japan.

If Microsoft can bring up other regions in their NPD pr then so can we. I don't see you giving out about microsft not sticking to the US. 

They set the tone of the thread. You want to bring JP up? Find a different thread. We're not here to bash people's skulls... 

Kerotan said:
barneystinson69 said:

Who said what Microsoft released was NPD pr? This is a US NPD thread though, and thus should relate to US sales. If they add that little point in, its great. But trying to add a jab that the PS4 is doing better than the XB1 in Japan (like this isn't a given) seems to just be trying to derail the thread.

Lol come on.  Japan is being used to put things into perspective.  To show in the grand scheme of things just how futile these NPD victories are these days.  In the last 4 weeks ps4 outsold xbox in Japan by ~210k. 


4 times the lead the xbox got in a month in America. Incredible stat.  

Hence why I said it's pointless. Even during the 360 days the damned country didn't buy the console. It didn't keep the 360 from keeping the PS3 on one knee with their boot in their heads until the gen was officially over and they let go, leading to the Japanese hitting their heads against the proverbial glass ceiling to show them how retarded their Bulweristic approach was... 

Of course, MS then went on to do this themselves thanks to Don Mattrick... and he was booted right away for acting like a complete hypocrite... 

NateH said:
Japan doesn't buy the Xbox; North America doesn't purchase the Vita.

And I smile whenever I remember how Aksys will probably be closer to bankruptcy for having the nerve to localize otoge and not a single galge... God I hate Aksys!