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The_BlackHeart__ said:
Qwark said:
No wonder it is a crappy VR device, most reviews of more demanding games are not good. If a stunning looking title as DC looks bad in VR I wonder how much potential VR has for Playstation.

Still better than the other options according to Mr Master Race Jim Sterling:

By the way, the PSVR runs at a faster refresh rate and has a better pixel quality:

Better than the competition at a lower price, looks like the beginning of this generation all over again. ;)

If you discount the competition has a higher resolution, better headtracking, more accurate controllers it is indeed better. It is pretty comfortable though, but is isn't remotely close to the Vive. My TV has a refreshrate of 1200hz but artificial frames don't do much more than being advertisement. According to power unlimited the biggest games magazine in the Benelux especially the lower resolution hurts the headset.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar