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The Xbox was lacking in terms of graphical showcase right from the beginning, except Ryse.
Last gen, games heavily relied on existing engines and this worked exceptionally good on the 360 and not that much on PS3, resulting in the multiplatform domination.
This gen, games are using their own engines more and engines like frostbite favor the more powerful hardware, as it should be.
MS is at fault here not putting emphasis on graphical showcases the hardware is of course able to do - something that Sony always had in mind, since PSX. If you want people to buy a console, you have to convince them with a wow-effect.
From a pure gaming point of view, the decision of making Halo 5 60fps was definitely right but it got a lot of criticism because of the way it looks and I would've liked a split between sp and mp framerates like with Gears now.
Forza being 60fps is also something that is truly amazing on this console and what they achieved but again, it's nothing that wows people like a 30fps Driveclub. Now with FH3 this has changed and I am glad that Gears and FH3 now show what the hardware is able to do, despite the worse hardware. I think before the image was made even worse in comparison because MS made the "wrong" decision when prioritizing development on exclusive games.