Ryng on 12 October 2016
So yes, call it now, Pokémon MS will sell over 20 million lifetime.
- Pokémon GO was such a huge phenomenal, it already helped Pokémon sales and 3DS hardware, and i expect Pokémon Moon and Sun to sells a lot.
- While people say 3DS is death and the usual things, fact is that 3DS is still selling, actually more than the lasts 2 years, and withouth NX this holidays it's just going to sell nice numbers this November and December. Not only for Pokémon moon and sun, boosted by Pokémon GO, but also thanks Super Mario Run, which like Pokémon GO will boost by a huge amount the interest for Mario games, and Nintendo consoles. The 3DS userbase is still big and active, nowhere close to death, and this holidays is the perfect time for release the last very big game.
- Pokémon Sun and moon will release after XY, which got a way, WAY better word of mouch than the game prior that, White and Black, which is in my opinion the worst game ever in the series, and has effect negatively the sales of XY, since Black and Wihte are the worst selling games in the intere series (counting only main games, not remakes or thirds versions)
Expect Pokémon MS to sells 16.5 million only in 2016. Sales breakdown: