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LOL, Yeah she go for you showing her how to set it up at her place?

But yeah, this gets to my criticism of Sony's stance, independent of what people think of PS4 Pro otherwise,
the lack of 4k Blu-Ray just introduces a schism, a what-the-fuck-?, that questions the value of the product.
They are pushing 4k gaming, that also requires solid investment in 4k TV, the market of people who are into that
are not going to be put off by a $10 cost (if true) for higher spec drive, they are going to question why
Sony's choices means they aren't getting the most out of their brand new expensive TV.
Just a dumb move by Sony.

If they didn't include that feature in the Slim, even if it's really not a problem to do so (see MS), people wouldn't care.
But stiffing people who are paying the premium, both for Pro and 4k TV, just doesn't make sense.
And it makes Sony look like they randomly screw people and are an unreliable brand.
Had they not done this, it would be smooth sailing, solid brand PR, everything. Now, there are doubts.
Not saying PS4 Pro isn't value as game console, or even that it's success is in doubt, but Sony muddied the waters with this.
As with PS3, it would have made it easier for people to justify, as it's a "2 in 1" for them.
Somebody's significant other, or parent, etc, can understand "it's not just a game console, it's a great deal for 4k player too".
Now they can't do that.

And with MS offering it on their Slim model, people will ask "why the hell not"?
As the woman in question clearly understood, it is kind of a "fuck you" decision where Sony is saying
"you will accept it anyways even though you know we could have easily fulfilled your desire".

IMHO it was not ever about any cost of the drive (if any), but about Sony having some angle on streaming...
Either their own product, or thru partnership with Neflix etc. Honestly I just see even that angle being weak,
and they are likely not to get what they were expecting out of it...
I mean, lets say they get a cut from Netflix thru PSN... maybe some people would use that...
but alot of people are just going to use Netflix thru their smart TV, or TiVo, etc. where Sony doesn't get anything.
Sony wants to say "but it streams 4K..." as if people have any reason to use that feature vs. just their smart 4k TV.
And for that agenda of theirs, they make almost everybody who buys it ask "why?" about their product.

Honestly, I am hoping that their drive IS fully 4k compatable, and just needs a software update to work with 4k-BD.
There will probably be some residual PR damage, like MS with Xbone, but if it's fixed soon, not a big problem.
People are understanding of patches these days after all, and it is kind of a minor thing.