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I was talking to a young woman at Best Buy the other day who was looking at Tvs while I was up there looking at some, and for some reason she asked me what I thought about 4k TVs and which was best lol. So I gave her my thoughts and she said she was looking to get one because she was excited about getting a PS4pro but she was torn because she wanted a 4k player which the PS4pro does not do. I told her it does support 4K streaming and she said the funniest thing to me lol.

She said well yeah so does every 4K TV so how does that benefit me when it comes with basically every 4K TV since they are all smart TVs? I said well I can't argue with you there but if you want to play PS4 games in 4K then you need a PS4pro, and I said if you want to watch 4K blu ray movies get an XB1s. What would you all have said?

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23