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My interpretation of the video was that he said that once you are a celebrity you can get away with pretty much anything and certain women will let it happen. Now, I don't like Trump at all (don't like Clinton either but she seems to be the lesser evil to me) but that didn't sound like sexual assault to me? We don't know how said women reacted so that's just guessing, isn't it? And I don't get the comments about Bill Clinton, either. How is having an affair sexual assault or even remotely close to that? Lewinsky had an affair with Clinton, too. And Hillary isn't a bad nominee for staying with her husband? Sex is something two adult people do together. It's not something a man does to a woman, it's not inherently bad and millions of people stay with heir partners after those partners had an affair.

Now, I could be wrong and Trump's behaviour certainly isn't in line with what you'd expect from a presidential candidate. But instantly calling sexual assault because he touched a woman without knowing what said woman thought about it? That's more a reflection of our modern times in which sex is seen as something inherently bad and something that men do to women who are supposed to be "bystanders" to the whole thing. It's totally removed from reality (just like that "Josie was drunk" campaign which is just bollocks).

Edit: Obivously, if he just goes up to a random woman and kisses her, that's harassment. I doubt he actually does that (not even Trump is that crazy) but that bragging is (deservedly) going to get him into trouble now.