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Werix357 said:
PwerlvlAmy said:
The agenda. They want business as usual and hillary is just that. While I don't like Trump at all,most people are scared because they arent sure what hes going to do,they dont know what they're getting. With Hillary you know what you're getting, another 4- 8 years of Obama and thats made it awfully company for the higher up elite, they do not want to lose that.

I see it as no matter who gets in, Trump or Hillary, America as a country is heading down and spiraling into a socialist and liberal nation anyways.

So we lose no matter who we vote for sadly

Not many people want to hear that USA is at a loss whoever wins this election, but it is true.

If you have the ability to leave North America (Canada is not much better) then I would do it.

Where exactly is it so much better than North America? 

North Americans are full of their "first world problems", living in China or India or South America would probably be an eye opening experience for a lot of people. Even Europe I think would be shocking for some people (say bye bye to houses the size of a football field) and paying out the ass for something the size of a cardboard box in the UK and much higher taxes.