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JWeinCom said:
jason1637 said:

I also doubt it but that doesn't mean he didn't regret it inside. 

Except his actions don't show remorse.  His actions have shown him to be mysogynistic up to his rant about Alissa Machado last week.  There are his comments about Ted Cruz's wife, his comments on the appearance of Carly Fiorina and Hillary Clinton, his implication that Megyn Kelly was mean to him because of her period, saying that all women contestents on the apprentice wanted him consciously or subconciously, downplaying sexual assault in the military, talking about how Hillary couldn't satisfy Bill, etc etc.  His actions over the year do not paint the picture of a man who generally respects women who made a few off color comments in the past.  They paint the picture of someone who generally has no regard for women, except as sexual objects.

That's terrible. Hopefully, this apology is a step in the right direction. Trump has a women problem and he needs to try harder to be less sexist.