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Looking further own the line....Capcom lost a hell of a lot of talent when Clover Studios folded. I doubt they'll go anywhere any time soon, but going from Clvoer for RE4 to who knows for RE%....well hopefully RE5 will still be a good game, or else it would be the first marker on a long slide to irrelevancy. Actually, Street Fighter 4 might be that first marker, but we'll just have to wait and see with SF4.

It'd be funny to see Sega's resurgence kick-started with Platinum Games. Perhaps they could put more money and bettor work into their other franchises if Platinum can find the success they had at Clover.

My consoles and the fates they suffered:

Atari 7800 (Sold), Intellivision (Thrown out), Gameboy (Lost), Super Nintendo (Stolen), Super Nintendo (2nd copy) (Thrown out by mother), Nintendo 64 (Still own), Super Nintendo (3rd copy) (Still own), Wii (Sold)

A more detailed history appears on my profile.