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LurkerJ said:
Torillian said:

Hillary was a lawyer appointed by a judge to defend a shitty person.  She did her job.  Lawyers have to defend even the people they think are guilty or assholes to the best of their ability because we can't have lawyers being the judge before things even go to trial.  It's just how our criminal justice system works.  What would you suggest as an alternative?

Quoting what I said in another thread:

"I don't want Trump to win. But people act as if he's the only horrible person, because he is saying inappropriate things in public. 

Do you know what speaks louder than Trump's words? Actions.

Obama, and Hillary after him, will continue to shake hands and sign multi billion dollar deals with the likes of oppressive regimes like Saudi Arabia. A country infested with sexism, homophobia, public beheadings and fucking crucifixions. Exactly what ISIS does. But since the US is in bed with Al of Saud, the media chooses to turn a blind eye. It's so hypocritical it hurts.

I chuckle each time media outlets paint Trump as a monster because of something he said, and when the democartic party nominees hold his SEXIST attitude against him. Hello? Slap some fucking sanctions on the likes of Saudi Arabia then I'll take your criticism of Trump seriously. (criticism of things related to social justice and what not, not his economical plans)"


Trump is filthy pig, big fucking deal. She's just as filthy, the only difference is she knows how to give speeches without dripping with filth.

Saudi Arabia is a tough pickle for the US. 

Likely the situation with them would become worse not better if the US cut ties with them and ostracized them as an enemey. As bad as they are, they would also probably be even worse if the government was over thrown, which would likely lead to full-on fundamentalists to gain power. 

The Obama adminstration is actually probably the first in a long time to not cow-tow to Saudi Arabia's every whim. Saudi pushed hard for a US war in Syria, US didn't take the bait, they also have started to normalize relations with Iran, which obviously pisses off Saudi Arabia, but at least the policy now is not so one sided. Energy indepedence also means the US is not nearly as depedand on Saudi Arabia for oil, which of course the Saudis are not happy about. 

To be honest I don't really see Trump changing much of anything with regards to the US' foreign policy in general. If you are hoping he's going to change policy with $audi Arabia because he has personal integrity or principles, lol, you probably have another thing coming.