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Torillian said:
LurkerJ said:

Quoting what I said in another thread:

"I don't want Trump to win. But people act as if he's the only horrible person, because he is saying inappropriate things in public. 

Do you know what speaks louder than Trump's words? Actions.

Obama, and Hillary after him, will continue to shake hands and sign multi billion dollar deals with the likes of oppressive regimes like Saudi Arabia. A country infested with sexism, homophobia, public beheadings and fucking crucifixions. Exactly what ISIS does. But since the US is in bed with Al of Saud, the media chooses to turn a blind eye. It's so hypocritical it hurts.

I chuckle each time media outlets paint Trump as a monster because of something he said, and when the democartic party nominees hold his SEXIST attitude against him. Hello? Slap some fucking sanctions on the likes of Saudi Arabia then I'll take your criticism of Trump seriously. (criticism of things related to social justice and what not, not his economical plans)"


Trump is filthy pig, big fucking deal. She's just as filthy, the only difference is she knows how to give speeches without dripping with filth.

That's all interesting but immaterial.  I asked you about what you think lawyers should do when assigned to defend a shitty person and how that would work in a functioning criminal justice system.  What exactly does that have to do with Saudi Arabia?

I am not suggesting anything. Your reply was cohesive and comprehensive, and I accept it.

I am not saying your wrong, but I am sick of the American Media losing their shit each time Trump says something sexist or inappropriate, why isn't the same media talking about how the US is in bed with a country that doesn't allow women to drive cars in 2016? What does Hillary, the champion of all feminists, plan to do about it?